What's New

I would like to cordially invite you to submit a feature paper to Sensors an open-access journal by MDPI.
The submission deadline is 25 March 2023. Research articles, review papers and extended versions of conference papers are all welcome.


HU & UoM Joint Symposium


We have a Joint Symposium on September 16th.
You can participate in this symposium freely. We have simultaneous interpretations from Japanese to English and vice versa. You can download the flyer from the following link.

I have a poster presentation at the 2022 ISPGR Congress on July 7th.
No. P3-B-6
"Adaptation effects of continuous and discrete visual feedback training on static postural control: a preliminary study"

2022年10月1 - 2日に行われる第27回日本基礎理学療法学会学術大会でシンポジストを務めます。
テーマは「基礎研究の臨床への還元 ―パーキンソン病への理学療法ー」となっており,

Tadayoshi Asaka & Naoya Hasegawa
Augmented Sensory Biofeedback for Dynamic Postural Control: Visual vs. Auditory
Eliva Press, Moldova, 2021.

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